Text to Slug

Convert text to SEO-friendly slugs. Need to create a URL-friendly slug from your text? Our Text to Slug tool converts text to slugs online, for free, in seconds. It’s the best way to generate SEO-friendly slugs for your web pages. Why Use Text to Slug? Free: No cost to use this tool. Fast: Converts text to slugs in seconds. SEO-Friendly: Generates slugs optimized for search engines. User-Friendly: Simple interface for easy use. 1. Enter your text into the input box. 2. Click ‘Convert’ to generate the slug. 3. Copy the SEO-friendly slug instantly. Create clean, SEO-optimized slugs with our Text to Slug tool. It’s essential for improving your website’s search engine visibility. Enjoy the little things in life. For one day, you may look back and realize they were the big things. Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

Dual Boss: Some missions like to spawn large enemies such as Shoe and Karn or all three Ohumein-Conga at once at some point. Elite Mook:- The Ptolemaic army units are this compared to their Rebel army counterparts, with their higher HP and the AP cost to go with it, though they do have different methods of attacking. The Future rebel is this compared to every soldier. Even their most basic infantry have 1000 HP at level one. Engrish: It’s practically a SNK trademark. Everything’s Deader with Zombies:- The zombie enemies from Metal Slug 3 are present. This includes Zombie Marco, who can vomit a danguerous jet of blood. The artwork for World 3 are the same artwork from the previous worlds, edited to make the characters look like zombies. This includes the Mars People for some reason. Everything Fades: Dead units may fade, melt or explode. Evil Laugh: Allen frequently laughs while attacking.

Nicely done. When I saw where it was, I decided it would be fun to get some coworkers together for a lunchtime walk. Everyone showed up on time and we had a nice walk out. While I found the cache, I think TeamSimo actually retreived it. That’s a very odd place for that thing. It was fun to get folks together with varying levels of obsession. 9:54 pm – I dropped my wife off at the airport and then headed off to this one on the way home. A couple of planes landed while I was signing the log and it was very cool at night. For One Pair, I found the cache first then the tokens. Now I have the tokens for Two Pair, but not the cache. 8:37 am – When I saw this description, I was thinking it was in an entirely different place with a very different container.

This closure will execute if the string does not contain the given value. The whenContainsAll method invokes the given closure if the string contains all of the given sub-strings. If necessary, you may pass another closure as the third parameter to the when method. This closure will execute if the condition parameter evaluates to false. The whenEmpty method invokes the given closure if the string is empty. If the closure returns a value, that value will also be returned by the whenEmpty method. The whenNotEmpty method invokes the given closure if the string is not empty. If the closure returns a value, that value will also be returned by the whenNotEmpty method. The whenStartsWith method invokes the given closure if the string starts with the given sub-string. The whenEndsWith method invokes the given closure if the string ends with the given sub-string. The whenExactly method invokes the given closure if the string exactly matches the given string. The whenNotExactly method invokes the given closure if the string does not exactly match the given string. The whenIs method invokes the given closure if the string matches a given pattern. Asterisks may be used as wildcard values.

There are two ways in which the size of the punishment affects the total cost of imposing it. Increasing the amount at stake in litigation increases the amount spent on it; lawyers make more out of a million dollar case than out of a thousand dollar case. At the same time, increasing the punishment for an offense, whether in the form of damages, fine, or imprisonment, decreases the frequency with which the offence occurs. The fewer torts occur, the fewer must be litigated. Thus increasing the size of a punishment simultaneously increases litigation costs (or enforcement, litigation and punishment costs in the criminal case) per offence, and decreases the number of offenses. Total cost, cost per offence times number of offenses, may go up or down. The earlier argument for damages equal to harm done ignored the costs of litigation. It is correct only if litigation is costless, or if the cost is independent of the amount of damages. In all other cases, the efficient level of damages is not equal to the amount of harm done.

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About the Author: markomoney9681

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